/ 5th June 2024 - Carisma Solutions Blog
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The Family Tax Benefit Supplement is a financial assistance program established to provide support to families in Australia.Managed by Services Australia, this supplement provides supplementary funds to qualifying individuals and families to alleviate the economic challenges associated with child-re ...
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Although the stock market is a complicated system, it cannot be denied that it interacts with macroeconomic forces. These elements provide a broad picture of the state of the economy, impacting investor mood and, eventually, stock prices. Let's examine a few significant figures and their effects: ...
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June 30 is quickly approaching, signalling the need to concentrate on superannuation. As a significant asset for many, the recent changes offer opportunities for strategic tax-saving moves.Concessional Contributions:The tax-deductible limit is increasing from $27,500 to $30,000 starting July ...
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