A Director Identification Number (Director ID) is a unique 15-digit identifier that a director will apply for once and will keep forever. A director can only have one DIN that they must use for all companies.

A Director ID:

  • Starts with 036, which is the 3-digit country code for Australia under International Standard ISO 3166
  • Ends with an 11-digit number and one ‘check’ digit for error detection.


Directors need to apply for their own director ID. It’s free to apply.

Directors will only ever have one director ID. They’ll keep it forever even if they:

  • Change companies
  • Stop being a director
  • Change their name
  • Move interstate or overseas.



  • Prevent the use of false or fraudulent director identities
  • Make it easier for external administrators and regulators to trace directors’ relationships with companies over time
  • Identify and eliminate director involvement in unlawful activity, such as illegal phoenix activity


From November 2021, directors can apply for a DIN by logging into Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS) online by using the myGovID app.

To apply for your DIN click here.