As a professional SMSF group, Carisma Solutions strongly advises all of our clients to utilize the convenient and efficient Digital E-Signature feature. By using this tool, the process of signing final statements and documents for SMSFs can be streamlined and completed more swiftly. Our team has firsthand experience in implementing Digital Signing on platforms such as Class Super and BGL 360, and we are available to assist you in setting it up for your own use.

Why use E-signing?

As a business, implementing e-signing can greatly improve your workflow efficiency. With the ability for multiple parties to sign a document simultaneously, there is no need for physical printing or scanning. This significantly reduces the time spent waiting for documents to be passed between personnel for signing. The convenience of being able to electronically sign and send back documents in a timely manner makes e-signing an attractive solution for streamlining business processes.

What is DocuSign, and how does it work?

DocuSign is a secure, convenient solution for electronic signatures on documents and agreements. It allows users to easily sign documents from any device, anywhere in the world. With DocuSign, businesses can streamline their processes and save time and resources.

How much does DocuSign cost?

DocuSign offers various pricing plans starting at $10 per month when purchased annually. These plans offer a range of advanced features and functionality. Customers can also try out the DocuSign service through a free offering which includes 3 signature requests.

Digital Signing in Class & BGL 360

As a business, “Class” has implemented the use of digital signing through a partnership with DocuSign. This allows for the free use of e-signatures for all Class customers on an SSLA. In the BGL 360 platform, we offer the ability to digitally sign, send, and manage compliance documents within Simple Fund 360. The use of digital signing streamlines the process of approving and making decisions, eliminating the need for printing, faxing, and scanning documents. Our available digital signing providers in BGL 360 include Adobe Sign, DocuSign, and Fuse Sign.

Key Benefits:

  • Faster agreements through digitisation of process
  • Reduced costs and increased efficiency
  • Improved data security
  • Pre-populated class reports with signatory tags
  • Signature tracker to monitor progress in real-time
  • Efficient porting of contact details to DocuSign
  • Two-factor authentication for high levels of security