Highlights: SMSF quarterly statistical report December 2023

ATO Self-Managed Super Fund quarterly statistical report – December 2023 is now available. It provides our latest statistics on the Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) sector.

Highlights include:

  • There are 614,705 SMSFs.
  • There are 1,146,724 members of SMSFs.
  • The total estimated assets of SMSFs are $913.7 billion.
  • The top asset types held by SMSFs (by value) are:
    > listed shares (29% of total estimated SMSF assets)
    > cash and term deposits (16%)
  • 53% of SMSF members are male and 47% are female
  • 87% of SMSF members are 45 years or older.

Read the full report for further statistics about:

  • SMSF fund and member demographics
  • Estimates on SMSF asset holdings
  • Annual ‘flows’ in and out of SMSFs.

Check your SMSF Bank Account Details are up to date

Check your bank account details are current to ensure your fund can receive super payments.

For your fund to receive certain superannuation payments from ATO, you need to ensure the ATO has your SMSF’s current bank account details.

Correct Bank Account information is critical for the receipt of super payments including:

  • Super payments from your member’s employer when paid through the ATO’s Small Business Super Clearing House (SBSCH)
  • Rollovers from large APRA-regulated superannuation funds.

You or your registered agent can check the ATO have your current SMSF bank account details by checking the bank account listed on the fund’s superannuation account in ATO’s Online services for business or Online services for agents.

You review this by accessing the Financial Institution details screen from the ATO Profile menu.

If there’s no bank account listed, then you or your agent will need to add one through Online Services.

You should also make sure the fund bank account provided to your members’ employer or an APRA-regulated fund for the purpose of a rollover, exactly matches what’s listed on your Superannuation account in ATO’s Online Services.

You can find out more about how to add or change a bank account for your SMSF at – Set up a bank account on ATO website.