Cyber threats and attacks are looming all over the globe, attacking individuals or organizations with the intent to get quick financial gains, causing havoc and destruction, destabilizing nations for political reasons, and creating health hazards.

There have been cases where even large organizations fall prey to cyber terrorism despite having security controls. Security threats are caused by very minor but critical lapses. You may be aware of the recent data breach by a large telecom company, losing personal information probably through an “unsecured API” ( Application Programming Interface ) or by breaking the security locks.

Carisma has invested significantly in implementing all information security systems and processes to prevent cyber attacks and also rigorous management practices to constantly monitor, govern and take action in the event of any situation.

System Security

A practice to prevent IT Hardware and Software assets from malicious attacks which aim to destabilize or steal data. The hard assets could be any of your electronic equipment which is exposed either physically or via the internet, for example PC, Servers, Routers, mobiles, Smart connected devices (IOT Devices) industrial or home like AC, Washing machines, lightings, smart security management systems etc which can be controlled over the internet.

Information Security

This aims to protect the Data privacy & integrity and prevent loss of stored data or transactional data

Network security aims at preventing unauthorized intrusions by anyone and taking control, injecting viruses or malware to propagate to the devices connected. They may aim at taking control or creating potential damage or steal data or seek ransom money.

Data Privacy and Information Security aims to prevent data exposure or stealth while it is secured in a storage device or during data transportation. For example, data while being transferred needs to be highly secure, it has to prevent unauthorized tapping or intruding and corrupting activities Etc with necessary encryption and access controls. It also deals with how the end point security is taken care by end user protection controls like hardening, encryption, real time scanning of virus, malwares and other intrusions, including physical security controls.

Application Security 

In today’s fast world, all businesses thrive on digital platforms to collaborate and run their business. Applications hosted by the organization may have PII pertaining to customers or employees. Any vulnerability or poor security controls implementation and management at various levels may allow penetration, eventually leading to data theft.

Carisma’s robust ISMS management ensures that strong governance is in place to ensure information security. Its processes and procedures ensure compliance with applicable Australian Privacy Policies (APP) and ISO 27001 certification.